The journalists would be much better employed in trying to explain to us how the astronomical legal costs of the cases can be justified. 记者们最好花时间向我们说明为什么诉讼费高得惊人。
Mr Allen must pay Mr Farnham's legal costs 艾伦先生应当支付法纳姆先生的诉讼费。
JPMorgan Chase said that it expensed$ 9.2 billion for legal costs in the third quarter, or over$ 3 billion a month. 摩根大通(JPMorganChase)称,公司在第三季度的法律费用高达92亿美元,相当于每个月超过30亿美元。
Firms face significant fines and legal costs, reputation damage, and tightened regulatory scrutiny. 公司可能面临高昂的罚款和法律成本,声誉受损,并受到更严格的监管审查。
Ma Jun from the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, a non-governmental organization, admitted their concerns that legal costs would be quite high. 来自非政府机构公众与环境研究中心的马军坦言他们担心诉讼费用将会是个天文数字。
They were granted the lease on condition that they paid the legal costs. 在支付法定费用的条件下他们可获得租赁权。
Three months ago, the bank recorded its first quarterly loss since 2004 after taking a big litigation charge to cover its legal costs. 3个月前,在计入高额诉讼费用之后,摩根大通报告了自2004年以来的首次季度亏损。
We accept that Ms Rowling's article did not contain any false claims and apologise for any contrary suggestion and have agreed to pay substantial damages to Ms Rowling, which she is donating to charity, and a contribution to her legal costs. 我们承认罗琳女士没有捏造任何事实,对于之前错误的暗示我们深表歉意,我方同意向罗琳女士进行大量赔偿,而她决定将赔偿捐给慈善组织,并且补偿她的诉讼费。
Mr Cohen and his staff own about$ 8bn of its capital, he has promised to pay all legal costs, and returns, while nowhere near those of the past, are still better than most peers. 科恩和员工拥有SAC80亿美元的资本。他承诺支付所有的法律费用和回报。现在的回报率与过去相去甚远,但仍好于大多数同行。
In cash terms, it cost about 180,000, of which about a third were legal costs. 以现金计算,这一官司让我们耗资约18万英镑,其中约三分之一为法律费用。
Hu said he was shocked when he heard that Chen was threatening to sue, adding that he doesn't have any money to pay legal costs. 胡戈说当听说陈凯歌要起诉时他很震惊,并说他没钱打官司。
The legal costs of the case set him back. 这场官司花了他万镑。
Willingness to pay for some auditing and legal costs, if necessary. 如果需要,愿意支付一些审计或法律费用。
The court determined the defendant should pay the legal costs. 法庭裁决由被告支付律师费用。
He said the30-year-old Academy "was not coping with the legal costs". 他说有30年历史的尼日利亚科学院“无法应付诉讼费用”。
He had to mortgage his house to pay his legal costs. 他不得不把房子抵押出去来付诉讼费。
The consultation paper suggests that the barrier of legal costs, which dissuades certain persons from bringing or continuing with claims, can be removed by adopting conditional fee arrangements. 谘询文件建议,如采用按条件收费安排,将可清除成为若干人士提出或继续申索障碍的法律费用。
Legal aid services are funded by the Government. The provision for legal costs is not cash-limited; 法援服务由政府拨款提供,法援经费不设款额上限。
To allow the deal to proceed this week, investors have been indemnified against any related legal costs. 为了使这场交易可以在本周顺利进行,会为投资者赔偿一切相关合法的出资。
The civil justice reform interim report and consultative paper mentioned that one of the targets of the reform was to reduce legal costs in respect of civil proceedings. 民事司法制度改革中期报告及谘询文件提到改革的目标之一,是减少民事诉讼的费用。
They ask Dell to refund twice the value of the goods as compensation and pay all the legal costs for the court proceedings. 他们要求Dell双倍返还购物款作为赔偿,同时支付所有法庭诉讼费用。
In fact, Amway incurred huge legal costs and held up the settlement for three years by arguing not that the accusations were untrue but that the victims had no legal right to bring a suit. 事实上,安利还招致了巨额的律师费并执行决议三年边争辩说指控是不正当的若非受害者们没有合法权利来挑起诉讼。
Alternatives to resolving disputes in courts, such as arbitration and mediation, are becoming more and more important internationally and may reduce legal costs, he said. 他表示,替代法庭程序的争议解决方法,例如仲裁和调停,在国际上愈来愈普遍采用,而且可节省讼费。
We notice from the first stage consultation that the public generally perceived that settling disputes through the existing channels usually involves high legal costs and lengthy litigation procedures. 而第一阶段谘询结果显示,公众普遍认为透过现有途径排解纠纷,往往涉及高昂的法律费用及冗长的诉讼程序。
If he loses the case, Michael will have to pick up the bill for legal costs. 如果这个官司输掉了,迈克将承担诉讼费用。
Legal Risks and Legal Costs in China are Lower than in EU/ US 在中国面临的法律风险和法律开支低于欧洲/美国
Dragging out a legal battle, for example, will incur extra legal costs, which may be more of an issue for one side than the other. 例如,拖延法律纠纷可能会造成额外的法律成本,而这种成本可能会对纠纷的一方造成比另一方更重的负担。
What is more, they are likely to increase legal costs, waste board time and deter future companies from going public. 另外,它们可能还会增加法律成本、浪费董事会的时间,并吓退一些公司的未来上市行动。
The medical, security, and legal costs to countries are incalculable. 各国为此而付出的医疗、安全和法律代价不可估量。
Yahoo has agreed to cover the legal costs of the plaintiffs but said details of the settlement were confidential. 雅虎同意支付原告的法律费用,但表示对和解协议的具体内容保密。